Tuesday 15 July 2008

What do left-handed people like?

We like:

  • Kettles which have the water level showing on both sides
  • Toasters which have their controls on the front (few and far between, though)
  • Lavatories with the flush on the top of the cistern - or on the wall behind - and NOT on the right hand side of the loo
  • Schools which provide left-handed scissors to pupils
  • Waiters who notice you are left handed and place your glass on the left, so you don't have to reach across to get it
  • Sitting next to a fellow left hander when using chopsticks
  • All manufacturers who are considerate enough to make left-handed versions of their products.
  • The fact that we are different


Radius Genie said...

Great blog! I will mention that here at Radius...we care enough to make a left hand version of our toothbrushes!! ;-)

One Right-handed Mother of Two Left-handed sons.


Carole Seawert said...

Excellent! I will have to buy one of them. (Hopefully you ship to the UK.)
Glad you like the blog, BTW. :)