Monday 2 February 2009

Always the right leg

In the fitness classes I go to, we always have to start an exercise (like lunges) with our right leg, or (in the case of a grapevine) by moving to the right. My natural inclination is to start with my left leg.

It's the same with Pilates. If we have to draw circles in the air with our legs, the teacher says 'when you've done six circles, go anticlockwise'. But I've just done anticlockwise. Then she says 'now draw circles with your left leg' . Erm, I've already done my left leg.

So, I just do my own thing in my way.


Zina said...

I agree...
I too start with the left then the right. And it is mostly without even realizing it (not on purpose). Well, as long as both sides are done, I don't think it really matters ;-)
because in the end, I get to do my exercises!
By the way, have you noticed that when you start with the left side first, you finish faster? Maybe its only me....

Carole Seawert said...

Hi Zuza

"Well, as long as both sides are done, I don't think it really matters ;-)"

Absolutely right! But if everyone is doing a move to the right, then you sort of have to move with them..

We've had Canadian conditions today (well almost, and very unusual for London. The sort of snow we haven't had for 20 years). I'll do a new post with some pix. Not that exciting for Canadians, but it is for us!